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PB Maple prides in delivering the lowest prices in the market without compromising on quality or our unwavering commitment to both our valued customers and the marine environment.


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Crude Oil

Crude oil is generally categorized based on their properties like Sulphur content, API, and Total Acid Number (TAN) number.

  • Based on Sulphur content, Sweet crude oil grades have sulphur content of up to 0.5 weight % (wt%) and sour crude oil grades have sulphur content above 0.5% wt%.
  • Based on API gravity, crude oil grades are generally classified as Heavy (<28 API), Medium (28 to 40 API) and Light (>40 API).
  • Based on Total Acid Number (TAN) number, crude oil grades of normal TAN have TAN number of up to 0.5 mg KOH/g and High TAN crude oil grades have TAN number above 0.5 mg KOH/g.

 More than 150 different grades of crude oil are available in the global crude oil markets.

However, grades exported by oil producers in large quantities and regularly are approximately 50 grades.”


Crude Oil Solutions

“Crude oil imports are mainly done in two forms. One is term contracts and the other is sport tenders. The term contracts are normally finalised on a yearly basis and this is done with majorly national oil companies. Whatever is the balance requirement which is not being covered in the term contracts, that is covered by spot tenders. PB Maple can help you to import crude oil from the USA, Canada, Russia, Australia, Brazil, Guyana, Norway, Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Libya, Nigeria, etc.

PB Maple prides in delivering the lowest prices in the market without compromising on quality or our unwavering commitment to both our valued customers and the marine environment.

  • +1 (236) 900-4500

  • info@pbmapleoil.com

  • 999 Canada Place, Suite 404
    Vancouver BC
    Canada V6C 3E2

  • Mon-Fri: 8am - 6pm
    Sat-Sun: 10am - 4pm PST